Sierra Highlands Community Association
Electronic Meeting Instructions
Dear Sierra Highlands Homeowner(s),
The next General Board Meeting is scheduled for:
Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm. Executive Session to follow.
Option 1: Attending the Meeting by Phone Only (no internet access)
Call: (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 834 3394 0466
Password: 085726
Option 2: Attending the Meeting by Computer, Laptop, iPad, and other electronic devices.
Click the link below to join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 834 3394 0466
Password: 085726
Open Forum Instructions
Those who would like to speak during the “Open Forum” portion of the meeting must have a microphone set up on or built into their computer or laptop. If you do not have a microphone on your computer then you will have the option to call into the meeting through your cell phone or landline to listen to the meeting while also watching the meeting on your computer screen.
Upon entering the meeting, all attendees will automatically be muted. At the beginning of the meeting, homeowners will be given approximately 30-minutes to submit their request to speak. We will un-mute attendees one at a time during homeowner forum.
If you have any questions, please contact Kierstin Avalos at Avalon Management at (760) 481-7444 or via email at [email protected]
For assistance with technical problems before and during the meeting you may call: (951) 600- 8810 or email: [email protected].
If you wish to receive future meeting notices by individual delivery, please contact the Community Manager via email at [email protected].
Electronic Meeting Instructions
Dear Sierra Highlands Homeowner(s),
The next General Board Meeting is scheduled for:
Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm. Executive Session to follow.
Option 1: Attending the Meeting by Phone Only (no internet access)
Call: (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 834 3394 0466
Password: 085726
Option 2: Attending the Meeting by Computer, Laptop, iPad, and other electronic devices.
Click the link below to join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 834 3394 0466
Password: 085726
Open Forum Instructions
Those who would like to speak during the “Open Forum” portion of the meeting must have a microphone set up on or built into their computer or laptop. If you do not have a microphone on your computer then you will have the option to call into the meeting through your cell phone or landline to listen to the meeting while also watching the meeting on your computer screen.
Upon entering the meeting, all attendees will automatically be muted. At the beginning of the meeting, homeowners will be given approximately 30-minutes to submit their request to speak. We will un-mute attendees one at a time during homeowner forum.
If you have any questions, please contact Kierstin Avalos at Avalon Management at (760) 481-7444 or via email at [email protected]
For assistance with technical problems before and during the meeting you may call: (951) 600- 8810 or email: [email protected].
If you wish to receive future meeting notices by individual delivery, please contact the Community Manager via email at [email protected].

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